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What preparations should be made before charging the battery electric locomotive?


What preparations should be made before charging the battery electric locomotive?

The battery electric locomotive is different from the trolley electric locomotive that relies on the grid for power supply, and its energy comes from the battery. Therefore, whenever the battery power drops to a certain value, the battery should be charged in time. So is there anything to pay attention to or make preparations before charging the battery? Pay attention to safety before charging the battery.

The first thing is to park the car and check the battery. Whether the shape of the battery is intact, whether there is obvious leakage, whether the fasteners and connections are stable, etc.

The second is to confirm the parameters of the battery and select the corresponding charger.

Replace the battery with a crane. No one is allowed near the movement path of the battery to avoid safety accidents.

Then check and clean the inside of the battery. If there is a problem, deal with it in time, and if there is no problem, clean it up and charge it.

Finally remove the cleaning tool. Use a special charger when charging, and be careful not to reverse the connection or overcharge.