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Top 5 Safety Rules in Mining locomotive battery charger room

The battery as the power supply of mining locomotive, so its very important for us to maintain, and also know the rules of its charging room, below we state the safety rules of it. 
Top 5 Safety Rules for mine battery room
(1) The underground charging room must have an independent ventilation system, and the return air flow should be introduced into the return air lane.
(2) Fireworks are strictly prohibited in the lamp house and warehouse, and fire-extinguishing equipment must be provided.
(3) To prepare and install the electro-hydraulic, special equipment must be used. The staff must wear protective glasses, masks and rubber gloves, wear rubber magnetic needle aprons, and empty rubber shoes.
(4) The charging room must be equipped with a solution that neutralizes the electro-hydraulic in case of electro-hydraulic burns.
(5) The charging room must be provided with a water source. If the water source is unconditionally set, a temporary storage tank must also be set up for frequent use of flushing batteries. The necessary instruments such as voltmeter, point thermometer, hydrometer and thermometer must also be set up.