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The perfect ending in 2021, 2 sets of 10-ton overhead cable frequency conversion electric locomotives were shipped

The perfect ending in 2021, 2 sets of 10-ton overhead cable frequency conversion electric locomotives were sent to the mine. At the same time, we wish you all the best in 2022.
The following are the parameters of 10-ton overhead cable frequency conversion electric locomotives.
Adhesive weight (t):10 ton
Track gauge (mm):600, 762, 900
Traction (KN) :13.05,18.93
Max. Traction (KN):24.5
Speed(km/h):11, 10.5
Power (KW):21*2 30*2 24*2
Dimensions Length(mm):4550, 4650
Width(mm):1050, 1212 or 1350
Wheelbase (mm):1100
Wheel diameter (mm):680
Min Curve radius (m):7, 10
Controller:Resistance or IGBT
Braking method:Mechanical