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Why electric battery locomotive charger have voltage but without current?


When charging the battery of the mining electric locomotive, it is found that the power display on the display of the charger does not increase, but the voltage is displayed on it, but there is no current. What to do at this point?

First, check whether the wiring is not properly connected, whether the internal components are soldered, or the output line is short-circuited, other places are short-circuited, and the fuse is broken, etc., where it is easier to see the problem.

Secondly, check whether the internal components such as the main board and rectifier are faulty.

Finally, if it is confirmed that there is no problem, then the charger may be set incorrectly. At this time, you need to open the charger settings and adjust the settings to what you need. If you don't know how to set various parameters, please consult the manufacturer.

The above is what the charger should do when there is voltage and no current and cannot be charged.