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How to Maintain the Controller of a Mining Trolley Locomotive?


How to Maintain the Controller of a Mining Trolley Locomotive?

The controller of a mining trolley locomotive plays a crucial role in executing various commands, such as controlling the locomotive’s forward and backward movement, adjusting speed, and starting or stopping operations. It can be seen as the brain of the entire system. Thus, maintaining the controller is vital for the locomotive's efficient operation. Here are the key maintenance tips, as summarized by HNYT EQUIPMENT:

Power Off Before Inspection: Always turn off the power before inspecting the controller. This should be done at least once a month.

No Unauthorized Modifications: The controller’s functions are precisely calibrated before leaving the factory. Therefore, opening or modifying it is strictly prohibited.

Avoid Changing Wiring: The wiring of the contact lines should not be altered. After the power control lock is disengaged, the filter components inside the controller’s power module will require a few minutes to discharge completely.

Regular Surface Cleaning: Keep the controller clean by removing dust and debris. Never use water to clean electrical components; instead, use a brush or high-pressure air to clear dust.

Temperature Monitoring: As the controller operates, its surface temperature increases due to prolonged use and fluctuating currents. If it exceeds a certain temperature, the system will automatically shut down. In such cases, stop using the locomotive for 10–15 minutes to allow it to cool down.

Proper Use of Directional Controls: When operating an electronically controlled locomotive (one with continuous variable transmission), avoid switching the forward and backward controls while the locomotive is moving. Also, do not change driving directions until the locomotive has come to a complete stop, and your foot is no longer applying pressure to the accelerator pedal.

Professional Maintenance: Have a qualified electrician handle any repairs, and only use original replacement parts.

Check Fuses for Faults: If the controller malfunctions but other components are functioning normally, inspect the controller’s two fuses to see if either has blown.

Following these eight maintenance steps will help ensure the longevity and proper function of the mining trolley locomotive’s controller. Proper care can prevent failures and maintain safety in mining operations.