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What are the methods for maintaining mining electric locomotives?


What are the methods for maintaining mining electric locomotives?

Mining electric locomotives are an essential part of underground mining operations. They are used to transport materials and personnel throughout the mine, and they play a critical role in ensuring the safety and efficiency of mining operations.

Regular maintenance and repair are essential to keep mining electric locomotives in good working condition. This will help to prevent breakdowns, extend the life of the locomotive, and improve safety.

Here is a list of the main maintenance tasks for mining electric locomotives:


Check the oil level in the gearbox regularly and add oil as needed.

Change the gearbox oil every 6 months.

Inspect the gears for wear and tear.

Adjust the gear adjustment screws and gaskets as needed to ensure proper gear mesh.

Spring cradle:

Check the spring pressure of the electrical equipment.

Inspect the wear and tear of the sliding block.

Ensure that all frames, bolts, and pins are complete and intact.

Regularly clean the dirt from the spring.

Regularly lubricate the pin shaft.


Clean the controller contacts.

Polish the burnt contacts.

Ensure that the resistor terminals, resistor, and wiring are tight and secure.

Mining traction motor:

Keep the outside of the motor clean.

The working surface of the commutator should be smooth and free of burn marks.

If the unevenness of the commutator wear reaches 0.2 mm, use No. 00 fine sandpaper to polish the working surface of the commutator in the direction of rotation of the motor.

If the unevenness of the commutator wear reaches 0.5 mm, the armature should be removed and turned.

Check if the armature bearings are overheating. If they are, check further for lack of oil or bearing damage.

All fasteners and terminals should be secure and tight.

The motor housing should be intact and the inspection window cover should be sealed.

Automatic switch:

Use a blower or clean cotton yarn to remove dirt and dust from the inside of the switch to keep all parts clean.

All screws, nuts, and other fasteners should be secure and reliable, and the contacts should not be loose.

If the contacts are burnt, they can be repaired with a fine file.

The contact surface should be at least 80%. If the wear is 50%, new contacts should be replaced.

Coupling device, spring, pull rod:

The coupling device, spring, and pull rod should not be damaged.

The compression spring on the moving contact should not be broken.

The decoupling device should be flexible and reliable, and there should be no jamming or failure.

Insulation resistance:

The insulation resistance of all live conductive parts to the housing should be greater than 0.5 MΩ.

Check that the arc extinguishing chamber is not damaged and that the bolts are not loose.

The inner wall of the metal housing should be insulated and the insulation board should be intact.

In addition to these regular maintenance tasks, it is also important to inspect mining electric locomotives for any signs of damage or wear and tear after each use. This includes:

Checking for leaks in the hydraulic system

Inspecting the wheels and axles for damage

Checking the brakes for wear and tear

Ensuring that all lights and signals are working properly

By following these maintenance and repair procedures, you can help to keep your mining electric locomotives running safely and efficiently for many years to come.